Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Tsk tsk. She should have pressed B to cancel.

So, here's the deal. You guys are loyal readers, and you deserve fidelity in these fireside chats. Jared and I are still trying to find our stride. We tried the one shot comics, and we're in the middle of this experiment with sequential narrative over several strips. We're nearing the end of this run, and we think we are going to switch back. For one, it's a pain to try to write an ongoing story in four panels a week. Secondly, we think the one shots tend to be funnier, and we definitely have more fun making them. Jared is eager to"get back to drawing idiots with funny faces." So thanks for sticking with us through this.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


If you don't know who Rob Liefield is, you might consider yourself lucky. Comic aficionados know him well. Basically, the 90's were a dark time for comic books. It was all "edge" and women with twelve inch waists. And pouches. Oh god the pouches. Many of the worst and most laughable offenses against the genre occurred during this decade. The silver age was often amusing for it's camp, but it has a certain vintage charm to it that makes it palatable. Nineties era comics were, in a word, bad. Rob Liefield was perhaps the worst offender of them all, and, most maddeningly, one of the most successful author/illustrators in comic history. He destroyed once beloved franchises by writing ridiculous stories and pumping out some of the most ridiculously bad art in the genre's history. And he made millions for it.

Still though, as half of the creative duo of a poorly drawn, poorly written comic strip, there is something comforting in knowing that there is historical precedent for success in this industry that is not necessarily contingent on talent or quality. So I've got that going for me.

Also, Jared forbade me from making any homoerotic comments regarding his depiction of me in the last panel. Frankly it hadn't crossed my mind until he brought it up. That he assumed I would is the real joke, so far as I am concerned.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Oh dear? Who could be knocking on the high rise window? How would anyone even get up there? Eh, screw it. It's not a subtle transition. You know who it is. (Hint: It's Cthulhu)

Also, due to busy schedules, we're switching to a once a week update schedule, as you may or may not have noticed. It's unfortunate. You're all crushed, we know. Frankly between work and studies, a twice weekly transcontinental comic is a bit beyond our means. For now. We're still writing, we are still updating, and we appreciate the continued readership. For all of you that have given us props and encouragement, we offer our thanks. While we enjoy creating these, we always try to do it with an audience in mind, and a recurring, receptive audience is the best we can ask for. See you next week, with the next installment of Roommates! a Bromantic Fantasy.